Home Maintenance Checklist
- Test all carbon monoxide and smoke detectors
- Check for any plumbing leaks
- Test sump pump
- Check salt level in water softener
- Check basement floor drain to ensure water is in the P trap, add if dry
- Inspect sink and tub drains for hair or debris
- Remove lint from dryer vent
- Check crawlspace or basement for moisture
- Review fire escape route
- Check for shower, sinks or toilet leaks
- Clean dishwasher filter
Fall and Winter
- Check and replace furnace filter as needed
- Replace batteries in carbon monoxide and smoke detectors
- Regularly check for ice damming and snow build up on the roof
- Cover or store outdoor furniture
- Check all exterior hose bibbs for leaks and store garden hose
- Remove and clean window screens
Spring and Summer
- Clean eavestrough and downspouts
- Check on lot drainage away from the house
- Trim trees and shrubs
- Have air conditioner ready and serviced
- Clean out window wells
- Fertilize lawn
- Clean windows and return window screens
- Service and clean furnace
- Flush hot water tank to remove sediment
- Seal grout tile
- Check caulking around tub surrounds and tubs
- Clean and repair deck as needed
- Clean and inspect wood stove and chimney
- Vacuum bathroom exhaust fans
- Check and clean kitchen range hood
- Check attic for proper ventilation and ensure insulation did not settle
- Remove and clean aerators on faucets
- Remove and clean shower heads
- Test plumbing shut off valves to prevent seizing
- Inspect roof for missing shingles, leaks or any damages
- Fix cracks in driveway and sidewalks
- Look for any visible entry points for moisture or insects
- Inspect washing machine and dishwasher hoses

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